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What is the City Nature Challenge?

Invented by community science staff, Lila Higgins at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHM) and Alison Young and Rebecca Johnson at the California Academy of Sciences (CAS), the City Nature Challenge is an international effort for people to find and document plants and wildlife in cities across the globe. It’s a bioblitz-style competition where cities are in a friendly contest with each other to see who can make the most observations of nature, who can find the most species, and who can engage the most people.


Important CNC 2024 Dates?

  • Make and share observations: April 26 – April 29

  • Get all your observations uploaded and work on identifying: April 30 – May 5

  • Results announced: May 6


What if I can't get all of my photos uploaded before April 29th?

Luckily we have a week – up until May 6 at 9 AM EST, where you can work on uploading all the observations you made during April 26 – April 29. They’ll still get added to your city’s CNC project, as long as they were made in the April 26 – April 29 window.


What are the boundaries of the CNCsoflo?

The CNCsoflo encompasses Monroe, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach counties. You can see the boundaries on our iNat page.  


Do I need to be at an official event to participate?

No! All you need to do is upload observations to iNaturalist during the dates of the competition. Events are just a fun way to intentionally participate in the CNC and connect with other like-minded people. 



Have any more questions? Email us at and we can help you out!

A big thanks to National Parks Conservation Association for supporting the City Nature Challenge and our ongoing mission to observe and conserve South Florida's biodiversity.

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